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Es gibt noch etwas, was ich unbedingt erwähnen will, 
seit Jahren berate ich Menschen und helfe ihnen so.
Nachdem die Frage jetzt mehrfach kam, als letzter Punkt nun, wer ist denn nun bitte Pandora, woher kommt der Name:
SM, BDSM und Erotik
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BDSM bei Mistress Janice

Any Mick'll Do


Jerry Conlon stood before the jury,
before the judge in his gown and his wig
and the whole damn country was sure he was guilty,
even though the evidence was rigged
and when it all came out,
it was the old familiar shout...
he'll be guilty of something sure as hell
what's a paddy more or less and anyway he confessed
stick him down in his cell,
his father as well


Any Mick'll do, any black, any Jew
any other poor soul, not like you
they're dowm from the trees
and they're up from the bogs
they come around here,
they steal your jobs
they're all the same,
just not the same as you
and if scapegoat's what you need,
any Mick'll do


They told Annie Maguire she was a bomber
she heard evey expert witness testify
they found traces of gelignite upon her hands
and British justice would not be denied
and when they found they were wrong,
it was the same old song -
"she s a danger to us all, if she's free!"
with every day that goes by.
we're more comitted to the lie
so just leave her be,
throw away the key!



I hate every Jew who kicks a Palestinian
every Nazi that ever kicked a Jew
I hate every stupid bigoted opinion
and if you don't hate them too,
then I hate you!
but what I hate most of all,
is the sheer damned gall
of a system that never thinks twice,
of furthering a grudge
between a jury and a judge
when they've loaded the dice,
tell me, who pays the price?


 (Brian McNeill)

In diesem Lied geht es um das Verhältnis zwischen Iren und Engländern. Speziell das der Engländer zu den in England lebenden Iren. Mick ist der negativ behaftete Spitzname den die Iren in England haben. Bei allen Straftaten und allen Dingen, die passieren, wird ein Ire, wenn er irgendwo im Umfeld ist, zuerst verdächtigt. Grundsätzlich handelt das Lied von Rassenhaß und davon, dass es dumm ist, Leute nach ihrer Rasse einzusortieren und zu beurteilen.


zu Geraldine MacGowan zurück

Grausamkeit, Härte & Materialismus - Meine Leidenschaft


Grausamkeit, Härte & Materialismus - Meine Leidenschaft

Grausamkeit, Härte & Materialismus - Meine Leidenschaft

Onanierbefehl für Sklaven und vieles mehr
Onanierbefehl für Sklaven

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